Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Growing Up

At 7 months, the puppy is 45 lbs. and has moved into his adult collar.  My husky puppies started off with hand-me-down small collars.  Juno wore Maggie's 1st collar - that collar is now on Juno's stuffed lizard that I keep in my bedroom.  Jake's 1st collar is the one that Juno received from Adopt-A-Husky (a snap collar, from which huskies are prone to escape).  Magic & Chloe wore their original Adopt-A-Husky collars.

Their collars are their clothing for their entire lives, accumulating tags as the years go by (except Maggie, who lost more of her tags than stayed attached).

It's become a rite of passage - moving up to the big blue collar.

1 comment:

  1. Such a big handsome grown up boy!

    (In best baby voice)Who's the big cute puppy...who's the sweet boy?
